Beginning a scene


// Put prescene.txt in the directory InsertMenu
// Don't forget to put in your include directory
//========================= prescene.txt ===========================//
// After Jean Montambeault
#declare Distance = 10;
#declare Azimut = 0;
#declare Elevation = 10;
#declare Interest_Center = <0,0,0>;
#declare Zoom = 1;
#include "" // put a camera

// Put in the include directory
// Don't forget to put prescene.txt in the directory InsertMenu
//======================== ============================//
Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene by © Martial Rameaux:
#include ""
#include ""

global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0}

#ifndef (Distance)
#declare Distance = 10;

#ifndef (Rising)
#declare Rising = 10;

#ifndef (Azimut)
#declare Azimut = 0;

#ifndef (Interest_Center)
#declare Interest_Center = 0;

#ifndef (Zoom)
#declare Zoom = 1;
// Camera position Author: Jean Montambeault

#declare Zoom = Zoom;
#declare Distance = Distance;
#declare Azimut = Azimut; // Moving angle
#declare Rising = Rising; // angle in degrees above (positive) or under (negative) the XZ plane; limitations : -90 < Rising < 90
#declare Interest_Center = Interest_Center;

#include ""
Camera (Distance, Azimut, Rising, Interest_Center);
//====================== Default color =============================//
#default {
   pigment {rgb <0.8,0.8,0.2>}
   finish {ambient 0.2 ambient 0.6}
//============================== Lights ==========================//
// light_source {0*x color rgb 1 translate <-20, 50, -50>}
light_source {0*x, color rgb 1 translate <0, 50, 0>}
// light_source {0*x, color rgb 1 translate <0, 20, -10>}
//============================== Floor and background ===============//
plane {
   y, -1
   pigment {checker rgb 1, rgb 0 scale 5}
   finish {ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.6}
background {color rgb 0.5}